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Binzhou Jinlong Plastic Co., Ltd.

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How to improve the softness of polypropylene yarn?

There are three ways to improve the softness of polypropylene yarn, and they are all in the spinning process.

The first method is to make the yarn soft through traditional mechanical methods, mainly through soft yarn treatment to destroy the glued film so as to show the softness.

The second method is to increase the moisture regain of polypropylene yarn, but pay attention to the scope. If the large-scale test will cause the polypropylene yarn to become moldy, and the softness improvement is not obvious, or add an appropriate softener during the spinning process. Can improve the softness of the yarn.

The third method is similar to the second method. It is to soften the roving, also known as roving oiling, to soften the above-mentioned glued film, and then use a softener to improve the softness of the polypropylene yarn.
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